300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Alliance Certified Course
Advanced Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga
Additional subjects: Meditation, Pranayama, Philosophy
Live sessions via zoom on every weekends.
Books and course manual for the course
1 Year access to all the course materials
You can complete the course at your own pace within 6 months or 1 year
Yoga Alliance course completion certification
Eligible to register for 300-RYT in the Yoga Alliance
Orientation for 300 Hour Self paced YTTC
Meaning of Mantra
Gayatri Mantra
Guru Mantra
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Self Realisation Mantra
Universal Mantra
Shanti Mantra
Morning Yogic Prayer
Prayer for Mother Earth
Meaning of OM & Shanti in Mantra
Mantra Assignment
Hatha Yoga for Arms & Core
Standing and Forward Bends
Hatha Standing Asana Sequence
Standing and Backbnding Sequence
Hatha Backword Bends Sequence
Hatha Core Practice Sequence
Hatha Hip Openers Sequence
HATHA YOGA hip opening sequence
Hanuman Asana (Splits) Sequence
Hatha Prepration for Advance Practices
Goal to Perform Pincha Mayurasana
Hatha Back Strengthening & Tight Hip
Hatha Yoga for Back Strengthening
Yoga for Side (Lateral) Flexibility
Hatha Yoga (Inverions)
Hatha Yoga for Hip Deformities
Full Hatha Yoga Sequence
Hatha Yoga Intermediate Sequence
Hatha Yoga Handstand
Hatha Yoga for Core Strength
Introduction to Pranayama
What is Pranayama
Scriptures on Pranayama
Effect of Diaphramatic Breath
3 Gunas in Pranayama Practice
Asanas for Pranayama
Types of Breathing
What is Yogic Breathing
Chest Breathing
Breath & Its Elements
Aspects of Pranayama
Global understanding of Pranayama
Functions of Prana
How to flow the Prana
Unity of Pranayama
Levels of Pranayama
Surya Bhedi Pranayama
Chandra Bhedi Pranayama
Naadi Shodhan Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama
Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama
Pranayama Bandhas
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama with Breath Retention
Nadi Shodhan with Inner Retention (Part 1)
Nadi Shodhan with Inner Retention (Part 2)
Kapalabhati Pranayama
Kapalabhati Pranayama with Inner Retention Part 1
Kapalabhati Pranayama with Inner Retention Part 2
Bhastrika Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama with Breath Retention
Pranayama Assignment
Yin Introduction
Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga
Melting heart & Camel Pose in Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga for beginners
Yin Beginner Sequence
Yin Gentle Spine Sequence
Prenatal Yin Yoga
Yin Hip Sequence
Yin for Backbends
Yin to cure Liver and Gall Bladder
Yin Latro Flexion Movement
Yin Yoga for Relaxation
Yin Yoga for full Body Sequence
Yin Yoga for Lower Body
Yin Yoga Wall Sequence
Yin Yoga Upper body Sequence
Yin Yoga Assignement
Bandhas & It's Practices 1
Bandhas & It's Practices 2
Bandhas & It's Practices 3
Maha Bandha
Bandha Yoga Assignment
What is Yog Nidra
Yog Nidra Beginner Practice
6 Steps of Yog Nidra Introduction
6 Steps of Yog Nidra Practice
7 Steps of Yog Nidra Introduction
7 Steps of Yog Nidra Practice
8 Steps of Yog Nidra Practice
Meditation Assignment
Vinyasa beginners Flow
Vinyasa Flow For Flexibility
Vinyasa Flow for Strenth Arms & Legs
Vinyasa Core Strengthening
Vinyasa Dancing Warrier Sequence
Vinyasa flow sequence
Vinyasa Dancer Sequence
Vinyasa Sequence
Vinyasa Backbends
Vinyasa Splits
Vinyasa Intermediate Flow
Vinyasa Forearm Balancing
Vinyasa Headstand Practice
Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddhakon asana
Supta Padangusthasana
Veerbhadra Asana 2
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Alignment Standing Forward Extension Series
Assignment for Adjustment and Alignment
Ashtanga Vinyasa Day 1
Ashtanga Vinyasa Day 2
Ashtanga Vinyasa Day 3
Ashtanga Vinyasa Final practice Part 1
Ashtanga Vinyasa Final practice Part 2
What is Kundalini
Introduction to Kundalini Tantra
Rules & Preprations for Kundalini
Eligibility for Kundalini
Risks & Precautions for Kundalini
Nadis in Kundalini Yoga
Yogic Diet for Kundalini
Practice of Kundalini Meditation
Kundalini Awakening with Pranayama
Kundalini Awakening with Mantra
Kundalini Awakening with Herbs
Kundalini Awakening with Birth
Kundalini Yoga Assignment
What is Teaching Methodology
Rules of Teaching Methodology Part -1
Rules of Teaching Methodology Part -2
Pranayama & Meditation Lesson Plan
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan
Vinyasa Lesson Planning
Types of Lesson Planning
resp system vol4 (abdom muscles)
muscular system vol 3 (shapes)
respiratory system lab session 3
muscular system vol 11 (hip ext rotators)
respiratory system introduction
opening statement (why study anatomy)
muscular system vol 5 (types of contractions)
resp system vol 5 (resp diaphragm)
muscular system vol 13 (quads)
resp system vol 2 (mech of breathing 1)
muscular system vol 14 (vastus group)
yoga anatomy (terms of movement 1)
respiratory system lab session 2
yoga anatomy (terms of movements)
muscular system vol 8 (mechanics of muscle engagement)
muscular system vol 15 (rotator cuff)
muscular system vol 7 (muscle groups)
muscular system vol 4 (origin & insertion)
resp system vol 3 (intercostal muscles)1
respiratory system lab session 1
muscular system vol 2 (muscle structure)
muscular system vol 6 (how muscle contracts)
muscular system vol 12 (the hip flexors)
resp system vol6 (physiology of breathing)
yoga anatomy (planes of movement)
resp syst vol 1
muscular system vol 9 (muscle fibre dynamics)
muscular system vol 1
muscular system vol 10 (glutes)
hatha yoga intro
history of yoga 2
history of yoga 3
history of yoga 1
Exam Part - 1
Exam Part 2
Thank you
Ashish Rawat
Tanushree Rawat
Acharya Vinay
Shivam Rawat
Yogi Aman
Sushant Pandey
This course is designed by some of the best and experienced yoga teachers of our school. The course syllabus, certification, and everything else remain the same as the in-person course. So this 300-hour online yoga teacher training course is as effective as the in-person course.
This online yoga teacher training program is for yoga students looking to deepen their practice, as well as those of you who are looking to teach yoga as a professional yoga instructor.
Yes, you can register under yoga alliance after the successful completion of the course
Please do! Yoga teacher training is a wonderful way to deepen and recommit to your practice.
You can take up to 1 year to complete the course.
Absolutely No, There is no extra fee involved after the purchase of the course. You need to pay only the fee that is mentioned on the website.
No, All the books and study materials like the yoga manual will be shared with you after the successful purchase of the course.
Yes, there will be live classes on weekends and the timings of the live classes can be decided according to the convenience of the students.
Yes, this course is certified by the yoga alliance whose certificate is valid all over the world.
Want to know more about the course? Please fill in your Email ID. We will contact you shortly